Overcoming the Temptations of Life
Armor of God, Pastor Johnny Hunt Sermon Series Part 2: Life is a battle by design, where we are tempted by flesh, by our appetites for what feels good and gives a temporary sense of happiness or emotional fulfillment. The cold hard fact of the matter is that we cannot be tempted beyond what we can bare. The difference between those who succeed and those who fail, is simply a matter of mindset.
The day of evil is not about if but when, thus the wise prepare accordingly. You can adopt the Mindset of the World or surrender to the Mindset of the Word. The tragedy of life is to die without counting for anything, especially when the truth and readiness of the Gospel of Peace has been laid before our feet. What have you got to lose by trading your mindset of weakness for that of something greater than yourself?
Most of the time when we get real with God, it is in a season of darkness in our lives and after it passes we return to the dysfunction that put us in that position in the first place. The truth is that life is a season of ups and downs, yet despite the circumstances of the here and now, the expectation of The Father is that we remain committed to service, surrender and obedience. We are expected to be a encourager and not a destroyer. We are expected to make a difference. Above all, we are expected to hold ourselves accountable for our actions and to exercise the inherent discipline of self-control at all times.
When are we allowed to say enough is enough and give into life’s many temptations? The answer is NEVER! Our obligation as Christians is to stand firm in the face of temptation and when we have stood firm until it feels as if we can stand no longer, our calling is to stand some more. In this life, we can have excuses or we can have results but we can’t have both!
Overcoming the Temptations of Life – Armor of God Pastor Johnny Hunt of Celebration Church Sermon Series Part 2 summary by Jason Will.