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Sojourns Fair-Trade in Birmingham AL

Welcome to the first episode of the Magic City Business podcast!


Featured Business: Sojourns Fair-Trade


In this episode, Jason interviews Melissa about the story of Sojourn’s Fair- Trade, a Fair-Trade Retail shop in the Crestwood Village shopping center.


Their conversation covers everything from Melissa’s own story, to the unique challenges COVID-19 brought to her store. Some of the highlights for you will include a discussion of what fair-trade is, and how it benefits both the City of Birmingham, as well as how it impacts the world.



You’ll get to hear the stories of several of the artisans that make products for Sojourn’ Fair Trade and how people who buy their products make a difference in their lives. You will be encouraged by the idea of just doing something, that you don’t have to change the whole world, you can just do one thing to make a difference, and if everyone does one small thing, soon a big difference will be made.



Lastly, for business owners, you’ll hear some great ideas for how to grow your business and make accommodations for people in these unprecedented times.
Give this episode a listen!


Time Stamps:


1:16 – Melissa’s story
2:28 – Sojourn’s story
3:37 – What is fair trade?
5:01 – How does Melissa find the Co-ops she works with?
6:34 – What does the vetting process look like for products
7:59 – One Artisan’s story
9:45 – What doe “Beautifully Fair” mean?
11:34 – The benefits of the culture of “Conscious Capitalism”
14:00 – “Just do something”
16:30 – How has Melissa driven business during COVID?
19:33 – Private Shopping and making COVID accommodations
21:15 – Businesses should learn from one another
22:30 -Crestwood Community Connection
25:10 – Melissa’s favorite products, and their story


If you’d like to have your Birmingham, Alabama business featured on the podcast, send at email to



Sojourns Birmingham AL

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1974 Chandalar Drive, Suite E
Pelham, AL 35214